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The Trash Dumpster
2004-11-30 / 10:50 a.m.

Oh woe is me... I have been banned from the elite circle of bullshit that reigns the auction world.... Yeah right. So what did I do to deserve this outcasting. I spoke up. I forgot just how much they hate that. Well not really since after I spoke I left the room yelling "I forgot women are not allowed to voice their opinions" and I slammed the door behind me.
I tried to post yesterday but I couldn't get people to leave me alone long enough to elaborate so I gave up. So what was this all about.... a freakin trash can. I kid you not. There is an enormous amount of trash around the bin, around the building, in the building - you name it and somewhere in that building is trash. Of course most of this comes from house clean outs and he does try to sell it but unfortunately, most people have the "I only do new" sign on and ultimately it ends up in the trash. (There is one lady reverend that buys alot for her parishiners but even she can only do so much). Anyway that was my plug for reduce, reuse and recycle but alas most of the time that falls on deaf ears. So back to the story....
I suggested that in lieu of getting the trash picked up 4 times a month which is outrageous financially (he's currently doing 2x's), I suggested getting a larger dumpster. Oh yes, the almighty larger dumpster. Which promted laughter (I was confused as to why and I was pissed at being laughed at). The comment was "I only have short people working for me". Oh yeah that was worth the laughter.
Anyway with the combination of irritation because I am watching this business go down the drain and this is what I moved for and PMS and the lack of orgainzation and the fact I hate being laughed at - I lit into both of them. Unfortunately, the realm of PMS tends to make me very volatile and instead of coming across composed I came across as a crazed deranged woman in need of hormon replacement therapy. Oh well... my life is not over with this news.
I have been making enemies all ways around apparently anyways. Perhaps taking the pentacle wasn't the best thing for me (or was it?). I'm not trying to plunge into the guilded but I am so tired of sitting in the rust - so I found my backbone. Maybe it only feels like the guilded because I have been in rust for so long. I'm not trying to make enemies but enough is enough. Someone has to push it right?

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And so I begin - 2005-03-13