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Your Stupid
2005-04-06 / 8:47 p.m.

Your Stupid.

Those words nearly knocked me out of my chair. I couldn't believe what the principal was saying. Yes my eldest decided he didn't like what the teacher told him to do and he flat out told her she was stupid. I was stunned speechless at first and then the anger set in. I had the principal call him out of his class to talk to me on the phone. This was over a safety pin. She told him ot take it off his pants. It wasn't serving any purpose and I assume he was playing with it since she said it was a distraction and he finally gave it to her and told her she was stupid.
I told him to go apologize (along with a whole lecture on appropriate alternative ways to handle a situation he didn't agree with). He said he did. I told him he better not be lieing to me. I get back on the phone with the principal and he calls to confirm that my son apologized. He didn't.
What I did next floored the principal. He couldn't believe he had a parent do this. I showed up at school, caught my son in the hallway. Had the principal escort us to her classroom and stood there while he apologized. It was halfassed at first and I was like uhuh. Not happening. So he gave her a more geniune apology.
I then marched his but to his next class to apologize to that teacher for disturbing his class with his tardiness. Mind you, this little disrespect here and there has been going on for awhile and this was just the end of it.
What I find sad is that the principal was so shocked to see a parent take that action. Ultimately my son gave me a hug before I left the school and I told him I wouldn't have done that if I didn't love him and trust me I've seen some of the parents apathy to their kids around here so I guess I shouldn't be as shocked.
Anyways his punishment was cleaning the porch with me; no tv; no playtime. But I wasn't the one who dealt out the worst punishment today. It was gorgeous today and the perfect day for fishing and low and behold his friend showed up ready to take him. Nope Sorry. Maybe tomorrow if he can behave. I felt a little bad for holding my ground but I just can't warrant that behavior.
Was I wrong? I don't think so. I usually stand behind my kids full force but there has to come a time when you just have to show them that sometimes they have to admit they are wrong.
At least I got the porch cleaned out of it. :D

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Your Stupid - 2005-04-06
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YMCA Visit - 2005-03-14
And so I begin - 2005-03-13