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The haze
2005-04-05 / 8:42 p.m.

I'm standing in a haze; confused as to which direction to take. I don't want to be here and I know I need to go. I will only die here a slow painful death as I am too afraid to reach out and feel my way out. I reachout to T and she withdraws her hand. I reach out to C and he only spins me around to land me back in the haze. S is struggling to make his way out of the haze but he is comfortable here and doesn't care if it will ever clear. B my C and J are all grasping at my coat tails waiting for me to lead them. M and E hold me responsible for leading them into the haze. I cry out for help but I know only I can help myself but I've forotten how to step carefully. I've alienated those that I am above because I have no patience of them; I've alienated those I am below because I cannot compare to them. I don't belong anywhere.
The haze only thickens while I so readily search for the light.

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Been Awhile - 2005-04-16
Your Stupid - 2005-04-06
The haze - 2005-04-05
YMCA Visit - 2005-03-14
And so I begin - 2005-03-13