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2004-11-27 / 5:10 p.m.

The wish list entry is driving me crazy. I want to edit or delete it and I am fighting to the depths of my soul to realize that it is just for fun and if someone picks up on the trend that will allow me to forward a ray of hope towards someone else, it was worth it.

So I'll be searching for a wish to fill. I have not seen an "angel" tree around yet to pull the tag off to buy for a kid. Which frankly surprises me because normally they are out by now. I hope some self righteous wonderful person didn't finally make a big enough stink to get them removed. I love how people cannot handle seeing those things when they are out shopping. How it makes them feel uncomfortable - imagine how the parent feels that realizes they can't afford a christmas present for their own kid. I'm struggling with two requests for Gameboy SP's but I know my kids won't be devistated if they don't get them and they will have plenty under the tree. I find a way but I have been there when the way looked pretty gloomy and the bulk of the presents were from Grandparents who graciously gave Santa the credit for their appearance. So I will continue to search for the angel trees or the toys for tots in the area and see what I can do.
Admittedly my new class has made me realize how spoiled American's can be. I'm to blame as well... I like having access to healthcare. But I really could have reached through my screen to smack the woman who stated that "she paid taxes and if she was going to have to pay for medicaid recepients then she thought they should have to be required to maintain a healthy life style or be denied access to healthcare." Yep, spoken like a spoiled american who never had to be in those shoes. To me she was invoking government control but she quickly had a double standard when socialized medicine was brought up. Apparently the thought of government being in her business was not alright - just alright for "other" people. Give me a break. When doing my research for this assignment I did come across an alternative to the socialized medicine known as a National Health Insurance. The report I read had some good points and a few weak points that would be iffy if discussed in a forum but at least it was an alternative put out there but graciously ignored.
I know the ramblings of a mad woman who's just had too much time to think today.
Time for work... fun fun fun.

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