
MJ - 2004-11-30 11:27:12
YES -- you do. And I'd wager this isn't just about the IP, it's also about what you discovered at camp. What I see is someone finally speaking up about what's unacceptable and I'm not surprised others find that hard to hear. I think you nailed it on the last few sentences -- I bet it's less that you're headed for the gilt pentacle and more that you're finally out of the rust.
Willow - 2004-11-30 12:13:03
You rock! It's so nice to see you speaking up. The laughter comes from feeling uncomfortable with the real you. Just remember there are other people out there who love strong women. And I agree with MJ - less gilded and more coming out of the rust. Feeling good about yourself can feel decadent.
Rowan - 2004-11-30 20:09:11
Rock on with your bad self! I am glad to hear that you are speaking your mind! And I agree with Willow and RF about the Gilt vs. Rusted- definitely coming out of the rust. How appropriate that you are getting in fights about trash :)

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