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Going for a ride
2005-01-07 / 9:40 p.m.

The trip was not as bad as I thought it would be nor was it as good as I had hoped it would be. The kids on the way down were mediocre at best but tolerable; same for the stay there. The kicker came on the way home. OMG I am surprised we left with 8 of them and came home with 8 of them. Mine included in this entourage of madmen that would not sit still, would not listen and refused to give into the pleas, beggings, reasonings, and bribings of both moms. But alas we are home and what a mess we came home to.
The rest of the crew was left a list of chores to be done during our absence. Not done. So Wed, T and I frantically cracked the whip and pulled out about a third of what was supposed to be done over the course of ten days. This was only followed up by the chastising I received from SO on Thursday about "how it wasn't done right" and me going bezerk and saying "you know, I just f* quit; had it; enough is enough. Take the auction business and shove it" (of course this ranting took about fifteen minutes and was much more graphic in nature). This was then followed up by the owner coming to me, telling me we did a great job and thanked me for taking the initiative. I swear some people don't know their ass from a whole in the ground. Unfortunately, my mood was already set and I lost a full day of work.
The good news is, however, I got my computer back and it is now backed up on disc. Not taking any chances. The fan burned out and shorted out my power supply so no internal information was lost. Thank god greyhound. I was sick since I just finished up a good chunk of SO's taxes. Talk about panic. Fortunately, I had the computer to occupy my time yesterday and that is exactly what I did. Sat on my big butt and played all day. Did I feel better at the end of the day? No, not really and the feelings carried over to today but I know I will be giving in and going back over to the auction barn to help finish some things up over the weekend. I just can't walk away. I feel like I am obligated and I feel for Cliff who is dealing with watching his dad whither away in front of him. He knows he will be passing soon and as it approaches he is dealing very poorly with it. At first he seemed to realize that his time was short and he made an effort to spend some time with him. Now he seems to be running away from it. I'm not judging - don't get me wrong. I don't know how I would deal with the same scenario. I guess I just don't understand how people can go through life with so little regard for it.
So that puts me to my little dilema of the day. I had made a previous offer to go to court with T in regards to child support and her deadbeat ex not paying it. I was taken up on the offer today at the last minute. That is a whole mess that I won't get into other than to say it went well and she didn't make an ass out of herself by losing her temper (which is why I offered because he makes her that nervous that this is her defense mechanism which didn't impress the judge last time). Anyway...
About two hours before we were supposed to leave I get a call from my stepfather, he's being hospitalized for a-fib. His heart was beating 167 per minute (the norm is 80). His doctor told him that if he ran from one end of town to the other as fast as he could without stopping he shouldn't be at this heart rate... so he's in ICU on monitors. Here's the kicker, he was told to go straight to the hospital as a direct admit (I don't know why an ambulance wasn't called) but instead he went home, called me, called work, picked up mom, took his blood pressure again and then went to the hospital. Okay I chewed his butt the first time he called and then chewed it again when I got to the hospital. The good news is he converted himself. The bad news is that this will most likely occur again. The cardiologist states that he probably has had it for awhile and it just never got this bad. I saw the ekg - scarey. He was resting around 100 when I left and he's on full bed rest. What I don't understand is when he moves it spikes 120-127 was the range I saw. I told him that before he goes home I want him to get up and walk around while on the monitor. I don't want him discharged and end up back in with a heart attack or stroke. I hope he listens. He was doing well when I left so I will call and check in in the morning. Mom seems to be doing alright with it. I just hope her sugar stays in control during this. She can be a real uncontrollable grouch when she's high. Then it is a fight to get her to take her dialysis. And people wonder where I get my stubborn streak?
So everyone's in bed. It's not that late but I have to admit I am drained and I have a cat laying on my forearm which is causing my hand to fall asleep making typing really interesting. I'm taking it as a hint that she is ready for bed and I should be too. Tomorrow is another day.
Oh yeah, one more thing. You are going to love this. When I found out about Ed I told SO that this would mean we would need to go into town this evening with the boys and see him in the hospital. His comment "we'll see" - yes folks I have picked a winner. We did end up in town, the boys did get to see grandpa and currently you could cut the tension between SO and me with a knife. I had a few words for him when he said that but none I could put in here with a clear conscious. Use your imagination. :)

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