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Birthday Aftermath
2004-09-21 / 10:54 a.m.

It's been five days since I wrote last. A lot has happened since my near breakdown.

Friday was my eldest's birthday. The big 13 and along with the big 13 came a big attitude and a big argument. 45 minutes of arguing over whether or not he was going on the field trip. He didn't want to go. In fact he really hasn't wanted to go to school at all. Every morning he has a stomach ache and gives me hassle. But this day was really bad. The result, the rain cancelled the field trip, the argument cancelled one of his gifts.

Yes I played the ogre mom and took one of his gifts back. A bow and arrow start up. I flat out told him if he had to argue with me over a field trip, there was no way he was getting the bow and arrow. He was acting far from responsible. So I took it back and beat myself up over it all day. I have never had to be in that position with him. Ever. It didn't feel good but the point had to be made. I bought him a game boy game instead.

So Saturday came and so did the party. He briefly started to argue and then realized his hunting license is now on the line. Any more acting out that bad and it won't be renewed. Now mind you, I know he has to build a personality and his own ways and be his own person. He also has to know that there is a way to present things so that he doesn't get his butt in a sling. Point taken, he settled right down, talked it out, and went on his merry way. Me, well I cooked, and I cleaned, and I cooked some more, and cleaned some more and then fed everyone and there were kids coming out of the wood works and then my middle son brought a stray cat home (don't think that wasn't fun - it couldn't stay, our dog thought it was a snack) and all in all the day ended with the adults grabbing the cans of silly string and chasing the kids around. What a mess!! However, all in all it is a pretty easy cleanup. My only suggestion would be to shake the cans up before passing them out. If they are not shook up they spooge and leave a foamy mess that takes a long time to dry. All in all, he was happy. I don't think his friends quite new what to make of us with the silly string but they had fun.

Sunday I was dead tired and just vegged in front of the tv.

Monday, well that is another story...

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YMCA Visit - 2005-03-14
And so I begin - 2005-03-13