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Dog bites and Stomach Aches
2004-09-14 / 9:06 a.m.

Where to even begin. Saturday I woke up and called my mom to ask her to keep the kids for the day. Mother Nature's monthly gift had left me less than on my toes nor in the mood to deal with three boys that don't understand hormonal mood swings or cramps. I happily finished my homework and got a few things done but set unrealistic goals for myself the next day. My first mistake.

Sunday I planned on doing the rampage through the house, move boxes, unpack, get laundry done, prep the rooms for painting, paint a few rooms... your getting the idea. I set myself for failure. My mom brought the kids home and after a 20 minute spew about how bad they were she finally left and left me in less than a good mood, especially for what I had to do. After a brief lecture on "don't even think about pulling this today" I went upstairs to check laundry when my friend T came in and said her son had gotten bitten AGAIN by the SAME dog as 3 weeks before. This is the same dog that bit his brother over the summer, bit him and another kids 3 weeks ago and the cops refused to come out on the call, bit my eldest last monday and the guy PROMISED to have the dog destroyed. Well it's no longer his choice. I feel sorry for the person who answered the phone at the county sheriff's office. I all but told them if they didn't come I would shoot the dog myself. The bite was deep and after the SPCA took the dog we spent the next 4 hours in travel time and Urgent Care. If it had been a normal cut, it would have been stitched. Since it was a dog bit, no stitches - only antibiotics. So Sunday was pretty much a lost day.

I moved my agenda to Monday. My eldest woke up with a stomach ache. Again. 5 months of this now. I called the doctor again. We met him in the ER for tests this time. CBC, EPV (or something to that effect - tests for Mono, don't ask me I was confused too), Stomach x-rays. 5 hours later we go home, his pains are gone, the tests are all negative (thank God) but still no answer as to why he is having the pains. Personally I think it is irratable bowel and we are just going to have to contend with it. There's no cure, no long term damage, just diet control. Oh goodie- he's thrilled too. Of course, he tried to get out of school again today and I wouldn't let it fly. I know, mean mom, but with his learning disability he just cannot afford to miss any more school. And you know, I just realized, I forgot to give him lunch money so I will have to send it down to him. Crap. So much for planning.

Well today is a composite day. I have given myself another long list that includes everything from the past 3 days. Yippie. It will be a busy day. Let's hope everyone avoids ticking me off or they may lose a head.

I saw a quote the other day and I'll be dipped if I can remember who said it or the exact wording but this is the jist of it...

Those who fail to succeed do so by their own accord.

I am going to keep trying to remind myself of this over the next few weeks as I struggle to get things in my life together. Wish me luck. I think I am going to need it.

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And so I begin - 2005-03-13