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The leach
2004-08-14 / 3:37 p.m.

So it is now 16 days since we officially moved out of the other house and truthfully it doesn't seem like we are any further done than we were then. I just don't have the heart for this place. I have no desire to unpack, no desire to cook, no desire to clean just plaine no desire. It isn't helping that SO has recently contacted an "old buddy" and he is a pain in the ass.

I know it sounds like I am ungrateful, his buddy has been a help with things around here but God does he drive me freaking insane. Everything I have, he has better, or will have better or had better .... getting the picture? I could care less. What I have suits my purposes. I'm too old to play "keeping up with the Jones's".

Anyway his old buddy dropped a bomb shell on me last night. He stated that when they get moved here, he wants me to take his girlfriend shopping and they can keep their food here because this is where they are always going to be. HUH??

One of the biggest reasons of moving up here was to have more family time. Now I don't even want to be here because, guess what, we still don't have any. SO is gone just as much, yeah we "see" him but he is not here. There's always people here and their life styles are so different than my own. Meaning, well I have rules in my house, and expectations and they don't. I can't tell you how many empty cigarette packs I've picked up and its like talking to little kids "It's not mine!" Oh Lord what have I gotten myself into.

I had a bad feeling about this move from the word go, I guess I know why.

SO on the other hand has been really weird about this move. He has actually gotten mushy with me. Which I am not complaining about even though it is a little weird. Perhaps it would mean more if it was preceeded by "I filed my divorce today" and then proceeded by "So what date do you want?" but I fear those statements won't be heard for a very long time. Yeah I know you don't have to say it. I tell myself all the time "I told you so."

C'est le guerre.

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YMCA Visit - 2005-03-14
And so I begin - 2005-03-13