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Slow but Sure
2004-07-18 / 12:18 a.m.

OMG am I tired but I see progress. I also see what a shoddy job that was done before. So many ceiling could have been saved if they had been addressed and forget squaring anything! It was a miracle that 7 of the 8 tiles I hung today fit in the alloted spots and even that was iffy. But as I said, I see progress and my feet hurt.

Yet that is not the funnest part of all this. The tooth I broke and the dentist "fixed" is killing me. Yes I am a wimp when it comes to having a tooth ache but that is one feature I am vain about. I don't relish losing a tooth but I can't go through life popping Ibuprofen every 4 hours because the throbbing has returned. Monday will be a call to the dentist. Needless to say I have not been the most pleasant person with all this but Sean has been a trooper.

I have to say I am very impressed by him these past couple of weeks. He has worked on the house everyday excluding trips to Maryland for work. He has also endured my two days on one day off habit. He justified it with consider it making up for all the hospital visits when he stayed for ten minutes and I stayed for the duration. I guess I can handle that analysis but next hospital visit I think I will request the full hour break. :)

Admittedly though, this total weariness feels good. I have dropped around 7 pounds since starting this which doesn't surprise me. The key will be to keep it off and keep losing. I will have to fight to not return to my, for a lack of a better word, laziness. It's not really laziness but when you have a desk job it doesn't compare to climbing ladders and swinging a hammer. Maybe I should do that for a summer? Naw, that would require getting up earlier than I do already with JoJo's summer school. By the weekend I crave sleeping in.

Well I am barely awake and am just enjoying listening to some music before turning in. Maybe a game of mahjong to send my mind over the edge before bed. Which reminds me, I bought the traditional game on Friday and can't wait to challenge Sean. I think it will drive us both insane but it will be worth it.

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Been Awhile - 2005-04-16
Your Stupid - 2005-04-06
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YMCA Visit - 2005-03-14
And so I begin - 2005-03-13