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The tub
2004-07-11 / 10:37 a.m.

Okay, so I have been too exhausted this week to even think about writing so here's the kick recap. Monday 7/5 I was so dead from working over the weekend I was usless. Therefore I didn't go to the house to work.

However Tuesday I found... POWER TOOLS! Yes the world of the electric stapler is a fascinating one. How pathetic is it that I am 33 and have just now used an electric stapler? But in the course of using it I also learned to put insulation in.

Wednesday I went to work a house call with Sean. We did a total clean out. We lost a whole day on working on the house but figured we would be compensated for the loss (that was being optomistic - won't happen again for me).

Thursday was another down day for me. I can't seem to get my fat butt to work more than 2 days in a row without feeling like I am going to collapse.

Friday - as usual was an auction night, a disappointment in seeing what some of the items brought from the house call. If I would have had the $$ the bedroom sets would have been mine. Of course there's always next week and still two more truck loads.

Saturday - OMG did I scrape paint. I scraped and scraped and scraped and my hands are covered with blisters.

Oh yeah, and the Einstein that I call my other half THREW my cast iron tub over the second story balcony after a ten minute argument on whether it not it would break when it landed. The argument went sort of like this:

"will not"... "Will too". Okay so it wasn't quite that shallow but you get the picture. Of course this was after he had already yelled at my 11 year old for suggesting it over an hour prior and going through the process of what would happen when it landed. So I thought the issue was resolved - we would turn it over and slide it down the stairs carefully so I could put it in the front yard for flowers. Ok this was also the owners suggestion.

But nooooo..... His 19 year old drug attic buddy suggested tossing it over the railing - and he went with it. Take a guess what happened! It hit and no kidding there was at least a ten foot spray of porcelain shivers straight into the air. His comment was - I wasn't worried about the porcelain. Hello you idiot! We have kids who run barefoot in the yard. And it is grass that has to be mowed. DUUHHHH!

And the tub.... well the tub is no more. Something about gravity pulling a 200 pound cast iron tub crashing into the ground split it in three places. Amazing how someone as smart as he is did such a stupid ass thing. My only comment was.... "I'm not surprised that there are so many lesbians in the world."

I wonder what adventures are in store for me today?

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