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2004-05-16 / 7:07 p.m.

Have you ever had people just completely suck every last bit of energy out of you body? Today it is my family. God love them and so do I but they took an excellent day and shot it straight to hell.

First of all, I got up and went to the UU church. I was much more impressed to see a fuller congregation and much to my surprise (I don't know why) but most of them were English teachers and French teachers at the college. I know it was french because their folders were written in french. And to my great surprise one of them told me where I could get cheat sheets for MLA and APA formatting. AND the one professor knew of a drumming circle here in town and gave me the numbers of the people involved. And I could go on and on but I think you get the point.

Okay so I get home and it's a little later than I wanted but I got right on my homework because the prof gave me a day extension. I had to leave like in an hour to get to the baseball meeting that took 3 hours, okay that was a little obnoxious and draining but I enjoy the people for the most part. I told Joseph's coaches off as I overheard them talking about Joseph and well I just didn't appreciate that and I was tactful but damn did it feel good.

Anyway, get home, I'm like on my last paragraph. Sean get's home with the kids. Oh my God are they MISERABLE!! Not just one of them but all of them. Sean is still on my case about not getting much work done but I am trying. It really isn't so easy when people know that you are home. So he tells me we may be moving in a couple of weeks. Yeah okay, him and who? I have the kids in sports, Joseph in summer school and everything for the next 2.5 months planned. Okay not happening. So he's left, po'd and miserable and I feel completely drained. The kids, amazingly enough, are in a better mood and are out playing.

As for me, I feel better now, vented and am going to go make dinner and watch a movie with the kids. Yeah I know I am not supposed to be watching TV. But I have improved alot and I know that there is so much more that I can do without the TV so... everything in moderation.

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Been Awhile - 2005-04-16
Your Stupid - 2005-04-06
The haze - 2005-04-05
YMCA Visit - 2005-03-14
And so I begin - 2005-03-13