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The Move is On
2004-05-11 / 11:15 a.m.

I hate to say it, I dread saying it but I think it is what has got to be done. The dreaded move.

Last night was filled with the crying of a child who does not fit into his 10 year old world. Who started the school year off telling his classmates he had 9 brothers and sisters and a pet King Cobra. Knowing how harsh kids can be he received a less than popular reputation. And now he is paying for it. No friends in his class and the kids on the bus are just as bad if not worse. He's begging me to move. I just want to give him a chance to start over. So I guess we are moving.

It's not like we owe anything to the town we live in now. It has been a nightmare since we moved here. The town we are moving into is not that far that my eldest cannot see his friends on the weekends and my youngest really hasn't made any life long friends yet anyways.

The catch of it though is if it is absolutely horrible there we are going to say goodbye to NY. That's my goal.I want and NEED to be closer to the ocean so I really won't shed a tear if that day comes to leave NY.

But for now, it's just relocating. Who knows, maybe it will be the answer. I almost wonder if getting him into a catholic school wouldn't be better but they are expensive and well, I'm not catholic and that poses a problem with their rules. It doesn't matter that he has chosen catholicism as his religion, I'm not so the answer was "no". I guess that should say something for that church right there.

Only time will tell.

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