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Hungry Hungry Hippo
2004-04-30 / 7:55 a.m.

Well my half hour session of writing my morning pages turned into an hour and a half. I quit when I started to get angry. Partly because everyone started nosing in but also because of the topics I found myself writing about.

I hit on a nerve this morning. The year I got put in the yearbook in the mouth of a hippo. It didn't just bother me because I was the fat kid getting picked on, it bothered me because the people I called my friends betrayed me like that. It seems to be a trend that I tend to follow in my life, right down to the situation at work.

Right now I am feeling pretty angry. I touched on a lot of burried feelings today but I have to admit I do feel calmer so I guess writing about them is actually doing some good. Recognizing the trends and trying to break them is progress I suppose.

I even touched on my sexuality, actually most of it was working through how I got here and why I am why I am. Eighth grade apparently was really not a good year for me. That was also the year that everyone started calling me a lesbian and writing it on my locker. For the record however, I don't remember actually questioning my sexuality until my junior year when I met Bobbie.

I don't know, I think I've wrote so much today that I am at a loss for words.

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Been Awhile - 2005-04-16
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And so I begin - 2005-03-13