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Free at last
2005-03-11 / 10:53 a.m.

FREE ME!! Anyhow or anyway....

Alright, so maybe I can't remember all the words to Roger Daultrey's song but none the less this may be what SO is singing over the next couple of days.
The divorce is final and as much as I hate to admit it I took great pleasure in delivering the news myself. I called her and left a message and she called back asking for SO. I told her I was the one that called, her divorce is final and the papers were in the mail. After her last rude phone call to my son I wasn't going to give her another opportunity. Yes, as bad as it sound, there was some great satisfaction in doing so. I feel a little more alive; like this burden has been lifted from my shoulders.
I digress as so often I do.
Yesterday we paid the final monies, filed it with the clerk and on our way home I told SO "Your a single man again, I guess this makes you free to date me know."
His face was priceless. He didn't know what to say. Finally he mumbled "What do you mean?"
My response was "Not that you are single you can finally date me justifiably and I want my dates." Again leaving him speechless.
This went on all day with snide remarks being shot back and forth. Things like "I'm not a cheap date" to which he responded "You'd better start looking for someone else then" and "I don't do things on the first date" which he snickered at (all I did was kiss him the first time we went out). My comment back was "Now that I've taught you how to kiss it will be a much better ending this time." That put him out a little (truth hurts :O )
I'm pushing for saturday night. He really thinks I'm kidding but I'm not. I want to date. I honestly didn't date all that much and I feel like I'm missing something and dammit... I've given up enough and I wasnt some back!
Let's talk about a few of my "dates"
There was my first date... he turned out to be gay but none the less that was later on in life when he came out (I hope I didn't have anything to do with that!) Whoever ended up with him ended up with a DAMN good kisser. (as in curl your toes!)
Then I had the guy I could call whenever just because he would go. He was a good guy, did a complete transformation over one summer and came back looking pretty darn good. I had a crush on him before but he truly did me in with his changes. We mostly did dinner dates. I was big on dinner parties with couples especially when my parents were out of town. I'll never forget one that I had and the neighbor told my mom I had a knock down drag out party with a shitload of people. WHAT!? I had two other couples, used my mom's milkglass dinnerware and her crystal wine glasses (which admittedly we did use) and if I recall correctly at least one of the other couples did spend the night. Hardly knock down drag out but regardless it was always my word against other peoples and it wasn't my word that was taken. It was fun though. I just never imagined not having that continue through my life and when I do have company I still go all out.
There was a mercy date that was supposed to include dinner, a movie, and a dance. He was late, didn't have any money and I ended up paying for dinner and the dance (I really wanted to go and he had the car). No movie though. Oh the kicker to that was at the end of the night he asked me for a hickey so he could show the guys "we did it". OH HELL NO! People said they could hear me tearing into him over the dance music and really that does say alot.
Overall I don't remember many more outings that could be constituted as dates. That is sad. So I guess that is why I am pushing for the date scene now. Its not like it will be a two year process but I want some... just a little to reflect on.
Why the trip down memory lane? No idea but it does put a smile on my face remembering some of my antics. I guess my mom has the right to have some of the grey hair but I think her imagination put most of it there.

On the lighter side...
My middle son has a friend over and they are in the dining room "jamming" on their guitars. His friend is teaching him and it sounds cool. I think it's "Rawhide" they are playing. Don't cringe, it's a start and I'm glad he has someone to play with today.

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Been Awhile - 2005-04-16
Your Stupid - 2005-04-06
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YMCA Visit - 2005-03-14
And so I begin - 2005-03-13