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Slightly Sappy
2005-02-27 / 2:32 p.m.

He did it. He filed his divorce papers. She signed them with a little remorse but none the less it is done. I suppose I should be dancing on the ceiling but I'm not. Perhaps I am waiting for the official word from the court saying everything is in order and the divorce is final. That should take about two weeks.
I have decided to not do the masters degree program right now. I have had enough studying for awhile. I don't have any drive right now to do it. The only thing keeping me going right now is knowing I have seven weeks left to complete this degree. Or do I? I received notice from the school that they have changed my degree plan to include a missing requirement... Are you ready for this? Contemporary Math 110. I was hopping mad. I wrote my advisor back, none too nice, with "Are you kidding me?" That is a freshman level course. I have had Trig, Geometry, Calculus, Statistics, PreAlgebra, Algebra ... you get the point. So I'm discouraged and told them to fix it because I've sent off job applications with my graduation date listed as 4/23/05. What am I supposed to do? Call them and tell them I made a mistake? I don't think so. "Yes I'd like to run your facility but I have to take basic math first".... 'click' I know it will work out but with being so close I am just beyond discouraged.
My computer still isn't acting quite right. I really don't want to have to take it to have it reloaded again. I redid windows and having to reload all my programs the first time was bad enough. The screens on all my pages are about half the size they were before and my icons are all horribly small and those are the "large" icons. I'm not sure if I was supposed to change something when I was loading windows or not. I was afraid to touch anything that wasn't listed on the instructions. My drivers aren't loading correctly either so I guess realistically I may not have a choice but to take it to someone anyways. I can't have a half functional computer. The good news though was that reloading windows actually fixed the problem I was having with loading my new printer. I love my new printer, it scans and copies which incidentally came in very handy with the divorce papers.
It was funny at the clerks office though. I confused her. I came in with everything signed and copied and she used a word with me I don't ever here... organized. Perhaps I should mark that day down on the calendar. LOL!
S.O. Left for North Carolina last weekend and then caught Maryland on the way back up. I went down to meet him. Now S.O. can be an overbearing jerk at sometimes but realistically he does treat me like an equal most of the time (I said most). Anyway, we (Tina and I) decided to play a harmless trick on her beau, Cliff. Apparently S.O. was supposed to tell me that I was to invite Tina to come with me, he didn't tell me until the day before. Of course, by then Tina had already called me earlier in that day and sprung the news on me that she wanted to go. At the time I hadn't decided to go and told her if the guys weren't going to be in until late I wasn't going to bother. I mean, why drive five hours just to go to bed, right? Anyway long story short (is it too late?) we went down, didn't tell Cliff she was coming, she hid when they got to the hotel room and he expressed emotion (god forbid!) that indicated he was disappointed that she didn't make it. He left and when he came back (2 minutes later) she was lieing on the bed watching tv. He was totally upset, almost infuriated. He couldn't handle that we pulled one over on him. Albeit it was supposed to be a pleasant surprise for him but because he expressed an emotion that indicated he had feelings for her, he was mad. What a control freak. Even S.O. said he didn't realize until that moment how much of a control freak he really is. I wasn't going to let his little tantrum spoil what I had planned (this is the same couple from my GA trip last month) so I proclaimed we were going out. Dinner and a movie. We saw Hitch (second time for me). Of course for all of them it was "alright" (remember the GA trip). I didn't let it bother me this time. I liked it... loved it actually and I do believe that I may borrow a quote from it to help me keep going on days I just don't want to get out of bed...
"Start each day like its intentional" (or is it Start each day like you mean too? Either way its a keeper.)
I love that line. Alright so maybe I shouldn't spend my entire existence living out of movies but it really is a good line and I never thought about it before.
Well before I decide to get sappy my children are offering you an escape route, spilt soda on my telephone stand that is loaded with mail.

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Been Awhile - 2005-04-16
Your Stupid - 2005-04-06
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YMCA Visit - 2005-03-14
And so I begin - 2005-03-13