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OMG Busy
2004-12-06 / 9:15 a.m.

To say that today is going to be a long day is an understatement. SO won't get out of bed and I seriously need him motivated to get some of our own work to be done. And yet he still lies in bed an hour later. I can't say that I am particulary moving too fast this morning either but that would be because it is so damn cold in this house. Admittedly I am looking forward to the snow ball fights but I wish I had a warm house to retreat to! Maybe... just maybe... they will get my heater done today. So close but yet so far.
This weekend was the weekend from hell. Friday after the auction we loaded our truck and headed for another auction. It was nearly 2 when we left. I drove a little over two hours. By the time I was threw I had put bruises on my arms from pinching to keep awake. SO and the boys were sleeping. When I reached the point where I no longer knew the way i turned the driving over to SO. I don't even remember putting my seat belt on let alone anything after that. We got there about quarter after 5. Who knew a 3 hour drive could be so taxing! Anyway, we were expecting the auctioneer to meet us about 6:30 - he showed at 7:30. If I knew that I would have slept at home for a couple of hours before taking off. Such is life. The sale was alright. The trip home exhausting and I sleft for 11 hours after that which is basically unheard of for me. All to turn around and do another auction yesterday. The bonus of all that - the auctioneer I normally work with let me buy what I needed for Christmas and told me I could take my time paying him back. Which, at this point, is a good thing though I am basically done it was nice not to have it hanging over my head.
I didn't get the job at Kinney's. Big surprise. I received the message stating all the positions have been filled, my app will be on file for a year, and I am eligible for hire with Kinney's; which I assume means all of my job references came back and I would just have to redo the interview process if that was to come about. I'm heart broken - can you tell?
I can only hope that this Kinney's will put a little more emphasis on customer service. Moravia is a small enough town that I don't think too much will be tolerated. They are used to the mom and pop store that catered to the customer's needs. The older pharmacist retired and they decided to close the pharmacy instead of replacing him. That actually was the final nail in the deal with the town to bring Kinney's in. We have the max security prison here and they really needed a pharmacy. From my understanding Kinney's was going to put in gas pumps (which I've never seen at a drug store) and the town said "no way" trying to protect the mom and pop gas station across the street. The compromise was a tax break for them. Either way it will keep some business and maybe generate some business for Moravia because anything similar to it is at least 20-30 minutes away. Now it is 5.
Will I try again? Probably. I know I have something to offer and I think the pay range I gave them may have been off their mark. I just can't see paying minimum wage for so many years of experience.
I think I have rambled enough. I still haven't heard the shower and now I am getting pissed so the fight begins. So much for a productive day.
Oh wait a second, is that the sound of a shower I hear. It is! And it only took an hour of begging this time. That is progress! Yeah right, that is the sound of the phone ringing and him knowing the fight was going to start if he wasn't moving by the time I got off the phone.

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And so I begin - 2005-03-13