
MJ - 2005-03-05 14:24:18
If you are interested in fighting the weight fight with people you know (or at least have met), I have an email list where we post a weekly weigh-in, share tips and goals, etc. I'm sure you'd be welcome if you want to join us. Let me know.
RO - 2005-03-05 14:52:44
I am struggling with watching my mother's habits and comparing them to my own as well. She is 60 and has diabetes and had open heart surgery when she was 52, which has left her with congestive heart failure. It isn't pretty, and it is a road that I have been set up to take- but I am fighting it every step of the way. Recently, we both went on diets, and she has lost a bunch and so have I. I am in Mo' weight loss group- I would love it if you would join us. It has helped me.

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