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In Loving Memory... Dragonfly
2005-02-14 / 11:09 a.m.

Today is a bittersweet day. I got up this morning and presented my kids with a small box of chocolates each for Valentine's Day. I could see their slight disappointment because they were expecting a movie (which I have carefully tucked away unbeknownst to them; I planned on giving it to them this evening) but none the less they all gave me my hugs and kisses and I took them to school.
Anyway, the divorce thing didn't happen, are you surprised? I'm not. But let's have a laugh for today... his most recent words to me were "How can you love me divorced if you can't love me married?" Alright, so I pissed him off when I started laughing at him. It was laugh or cry... I did both. But don't fret that; I have other things on my mind.
So as I said, today is a bittersweet day. Today my thoughts are not on me, they are on a little girl. One I said farewell to just a year ago. I know her family has taken today to not only recognize the day for love but is also recognizing her love and the love she brought and still brings into her family.
I have to admire her family; they have been so strong. The fact that they are making sure her baby sister gets to know her through memories is a testiment to their bonds.
I remember the first time I met her. She was so tiny. I picked her up and having a son her age, I used the same strength I would have picked him up with. She flew up and shocked us both; I wasn't expecting her to be so light. She had a great smile.
Moving forward almost, well it had to be close to five years, her mom and I regained contact after losing touch. She had grown considerably not only physically but mentally. She was witty and held her own in conversations. My two oldest boys had a field day playing with her and her other sister; the baby was not yet thought of yet. I think Dad had just as much fun chasing them all around with a rubber band gun. Today I offer her baby sister the memory of a house filled with laughter and horseplay. I hope that this will be a memory her parents will pass to her along with their own. It is a memory my boys still talk about.

... and as her wings dried in the rising sun; she spread them, engulfed by the warming sensation. Her transition, her rebirth complete; she gained the courage to get up and fly. She soared over the one's she left behind knowing one day they would join her. Fly dragonfly, fly. Spread your wings and explore the way as one day your loved one's will join you and you can guide them.

In loving memory... 02/14/2004

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